27 February 2007

Beer Launching Fridge ( Bierkatapult )

This has to be one of the best inventions I have ever seen! And I say that not because I am a big beer drinker, but it is just really freaking cool.

26 February 2007

The Oscars

The last time I posted was before I left for Germany. It has now been over a month and a half since then and I think I should post again.

The Oscars

The main reason I watched the full 3 hour broadcast was because Ellen Degeneres was hosting and I wanted to see if Germany's entry, "Das Leben Der Anderen" (The Lives of Others) would win for Best Foreign Film. Ellen was hilarious as usual and Germany did in fact win.

Ever since my summer film class that focused on German film, I have kept my eye on what is being produced in Deutschland. The good thing about living in Lincoln right now (as opposed to Fairbury) is the fact that I have access to The Ross and this film happens to be playing there during the end of March.